Hi, I'm Brenda Gibson
I have been involved with Pomeranians for most of my life as my mother was
a breeder of Pomeranians wwhen I was growing up. I have been breeding Poms since
1983 and exhibiting in the conformation ring since 1986. During this time,
I have been fortunate to have produced a number of "Pomamania" dogs that have
won numerous Best Puppy in Groups, Best Puppy in Shows, Group placements, an
All-Breed Best in Show and several Best in Specialty Shows. Although, I
have concentrated on conformation shows,
"Pomamania" dogs have also done very well winning titles
in both obedience and agility trials.
Club Affiliations
The Pomamaniaź Logo
Annelies Davis, a Pom breeder and children's book artist from the Hamilton, Ontario area designed the
Pomamania logo, from a picture of my first home-bred
champion, "POMAMANIA'S MUNCHKIN" and her impression of a dancing pom
that she invisaged from my kennel name "POMAMANIAź".