Pomamania Reg'd

Pomamania - Quality Pomeranians
Hilloch Irish Setters
Contact Us

About Us

Hi, I'm Brenda Gibson (Pomamania®)

I have been involved with Pomeranians for most of my life as my mother was a breeder of Pomeranians wwhen I was growing up. I have been breeding Poms since 1983 and exhibiting in the conformation ring since 1986. During this time, I have been fortunate to have produced a number of "Pomamania" dogs that have won numerous Best Puppy in Groups, Best Puppy in Shows, Group placements, an All-Breed Best in Show and several Best in Specialty Shows. Although, I have concentrated on conformation shows, "Pomamania" dogs have also done very well winning titles in both obedience and agility trials.

Club Affiliations

The Pomamania® Logo

Annalise Davis, a Pom breeder and children's book artist designed the Pomamania logo, from a picture of my first home-bred champion, "POMAMANIA'S MUNCHKIN" and her impression of a dancing pom that she invisaged from my kennel name "POMAMANIA®".
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Hi, I'm Bob Gibson (Hilloch® Irish Setters)

My involvement with dogs began when I met Brenda. Both Brenda's mother and grandmother had bred dogs for many years, and as a consequence we started our marriage in 1984 with our first dog "Princess", Brenda's Pom. Over the next few years, we began to take an interest in conformation shows which allowed me to view the variety of breeds that were available in the area. In 1988, I acquired my foundation Irish Setter from Marianne Buck, Maronova® Irish Setters. Melly has been a great dog for me both as a show dog and a campanion. In 1990 under Brenda's most capable hands, Melly won the Irish Setter Club of Ontario Specialty - a great moment for us. In the spring of 1992, Melly produced her first and only litter for me and presented me with the sire of my subseqent litters. Melly, now long since retired as a show dog still takes an active interest in her grand children as well as all of Brenda's pom babies.

Since my involvement in dogs, I have also taken an active interest in both the Setter and Pomeranian breed clubs. I have undertaken various positions from Director to President at one point or another with the clubs that we have been members, including a founding member and first treasurer of the Pomeranian Club of Ontario.
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Copyright© All Rights Reserved, Brenda & Bob Gibson, 2009